The story of a projector entrepreneur before she found Human Design

You have probably had quite the journey as an entrepreneur (& human) already. Trust me, every entrepreneur has. In this article, I’m sharing a part of my journey as a projector and entrepreneur BEFORE I found Human Design.

I could tell you that Human Design is the key to creating a successful business. But I do not believe in quick fixes. Comparable to most tools, Human Design can be a good indicator of what to look at within yourself and gives you directions for your (business) strategy. It is both empowering and reassuring to understand your design.

I love the analogy that you are the captain of your own ship”; the ship being your business🚢.

In that analogy, Human Design is like the compass that guides you toward your next destination.
Everything within your design — centers, profile, authority, channels, gates, energy type — acts as anchors ⚓. A place to stop, dive deeper, and explore.

Let us get a bit personal, in this article you’ll read how Human Design basically changed my whole life and business.

✨🌎 Before Human Design found me

When I first discovered Human Design, I wanted to run away from it. As you probably, I have been through some storms ⛈️ when it comes to being an entrepreneur. It all started when I got my first actual business invitation. I had no idea about Human Design at the time. I also didn’t know I was a projector and had to wait for the invitation (waiting for the invitation is a vital strategy for projectors).

My former boss invited me to take on more responsibilities in the company he founded. He had the vision to transform the event rental business into a service company with hostesses, bar personnel, etc. He recognized I was a people person; you know, the kind that gets along with anyone and is a real team player.

The only thing was, I just turned 19 that summer and would be hiring team members twice my age AND be their “boss”.


To compensate, I started to work harder to prove my worth. Work was my only focus, and growing the business was the ultimate goal, no matter what!

Combine that with coming from a long family line of entrepreneurs and a completely open solar plexus, heart, and spleen center, and you have a recipe for disaster. (You’ll discover what all of this means in my free guide about aligning your business with your Human Design. Click here to download the guide.)

✨ The pressure was ON!

In my teenage and young adult years, I lived as a manifesting generator.

  • Working + 60-hour weeks
  • building my business with multiple side-hustles (MG much?)
  • studying because I needed paper in case my business failed
  • trying to balance my social life  

I have a long list of achievements from that period in my life, of which I am still very proud. You see, I have a 6/2 profile, which means up until the 30th birthday, I live life as a 3 line. This means trial and error or a LOT of life experience and experiments. I don’t see this time of my life as a failure but as gaining a lot of insight information. 

Now, in hindsight, I can see where I was not living in alignment with my design, but at the time, I was so focused on the next goal that I did not check in with myself. 

✨Living this way is not wrong, just not sustainable.

Six months after Human Design found me, I drastically changed my life and made decisions that everyone thought I was going crazy.
I had to go through this journey to discover what was NOT for me. I believe this makes me a better coach. It is much easier for me to identify what might be out of alignment with other people.

Like a true before & after, I want to share how my life changed starting from the moment I made those crazy decisions. Can I?

Part 2 of my entrepreneurial journey will come to your inbox after you download the Human Design Guide. It will be worth it, I guarantee you…

But before I sign off, I want to share with you one exercise that helped me see when I was living out of alignment with my design.

✨exercise: your story

Step 1

Make a list of your life path and the key moments that shaped you into who you are today. I made a simplified version above in bullet points. 

Step 2

Answer the following questions:

  • What is/was your single greatest struggle/insight/AHA moment from birth to now?
  • Looking at these experiences, what makes you most proud?
  • What are the most important lessons you learned?
  • How can you relate these lessons to your business or ideal client? Then pick ONE thing you think is your superpower and explain why.

Hint: maybe you take it for granted.

Your story can be added to your about webpage, included in your marketing, and publications in media. This is often also ‘ your why’! Why do you do what you do?

There is a lot to cover when it comes to Human Design. I’m looking forward to sharing more with you.

Make sure to sign up to ‘Invited’, the place where I update you with new content, special invitations, and personal stories. (it’s 100% free)

P.S. If you are new to Human Design, download this free guide to Human Design for your business.

I would love to hear your insights from this exercise 🦄.

Feel free to message me on Instagram, or share your insights in the comments below ✨

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stephanie Smolders
Hi, I'm Stephanie

I’m a business and Human Design coach on a mission to help entrepreneurs design a business strategy that feels fun and aligned! 

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