Why You Shouldn’t Stop Selling Even with the Coronavirus Pandemic

If you’re reading this, you may have already read tons of content on the coronavirus pandemic and how it affects businesses. There’s a lot of news on how start-ups are halting their services and the pandemic’s impact on company revenue. 

This brings me to what some entrepreneurs may be thinking right now: 

“Should I call it quits and pause/close my business?” 

Call me biased but my answer is a big NO. Here are three reasons why your business is still worth pushing forward even when the odds seem against you: 


#1 There are people waiting to hear your message

What’s the reason you started your business? Sure, earning money is a huge factor but there is always more. What is your big picture? What is your why? Stop for a second while reading and really reflect on this. 

You have something worth sharing. Remember that your business is often an extension of who you are as a person and now’s the time to let your voice be heard. 

Maybe just hearing your inspiring words and the reason why you started might be exactly what your audience needed to hear. Show them you care about your business and about them, your loyal customers. They will stick with you if you stick with yourself and your big why! 

What you can do for now: Focus on creating content with value. Let your expertise shine now that most people have the time to go online and see what you have to offer. Create content that reflects your why, your reason of starting in the first place. This can be an Instagram story or a long blog article.



#2 You never know who needs what you’re offering right now

Sales may be down right now but it’s always a good time to build trust and connection. 

Think about it: if you stop selling your masterclasses now, what if there’s someone out there who’s planning to use this time to learn something new? 

You can not look in someone’s head and see what they need. Ask them. Ask in an Instagram caption what they need right now? Maybe some more free content or a flexible cancellation policy. Maybe you can sell giftcards right now instead of hosting real life events. You can never go wrong with asking. 

What you can do for now: ASK! Do some market research and talk to your current customers and hot leads. Start a 1:1 conversation in the Instagram DMs. Send out a selected email to those who engage with your content. Really invest in building your know, like and trust factor right now. You’ll thank me later. 

Your client from the tourism industry may not be ready to invest in your services right now but there are healthcare-focused businesses that urgently need your support. If you’d rather not go pro-bono, offer payment plans or ‘pay what you can’ prices with a minimum. 



#3 Not everything in your life should be paused during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Well, it all boils down to survival. A girl’s gotta eat, right? Don’t feel guilty about taking your chances especially now that you need it more than ever. 

At this time, all of us need something to keep us sane. If running your business is what helps you push yourself out of bed every morning then I’m all in with supporting you. 

What you can do for now: create a Coronavirus contingency plan. It may sound weird but it’s a harsh reality that your income may take a hit. Take this time to reflect on your current business expenses and assess what can be cut for now.  Maybe you can shift to a free version of your favorite business tool instead of using a premium version until this tides over? 

Now, this isn’t a call or pressure for you to hustle. I am all for taking the time to process what is currently happening and even really pausing your services if you’d rather rest for a while (I did my own digital detox recently. Highly recommended 👌🏼). 

Instead, I hope this serves as the inspiration you may need. It may feel discouraging to put yourself out there when you’re not sure if someone will even avail your offers. But remember this: you have a business for a reason and that is to contribute to what society needs. 

I’d love to hear your thoughts! Will you continue selling? Tell me all about your realizations in the comments below. 

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stephanie Smolders
Hi, I'm Stephanie

I’m a business and Human Design coach on a mission to help entrepreneurs design a business strategy that feels fun and aligned! 

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